Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Shiva Stuthi,

Shiva StuthiMeaning
1. I bow down to Shiva, Who is Na., the first letter of His mysticworld-symbol
(Mantra), Who has the King of snakes for a garland, theThree eyed One, with
ashes for His cosmetics, the Great God, the Eternal,the Perfect One, who has the
quarters of the world for His garments.
2. I bow down to Shiva, Who is Ma,
the second letter of his mysticworld-symbol (Mantra), who is anointed with the
water of the riverMandakini (Ganga) and sandal paste, the Lord of Nandi and of
the goblins,the Great God, who is adorned with Mandara and various other kinds
of flowers.
3. I bow down to Shiva, who is Shi, the third letter of His
mysticword-symbol (Mantra), who is the rising sun causing to blossom the
lotusface of Gauri (the Divine Mother), the destroyer of Daksha's sacrifice,the
Blue-necked One, who has the bull for His ensign.
4. I bow down to Shiva,
who is Va, the fourth letter of His mysticword-symbol (Mantra), who is
worshipped as the most distinguished ofgods by the great Rishis of the Aryas
like Vasishtha, Agastya, andGautama as also by the gods, and who has the moon,
sun and the fire forHis three eyes.
5. I bow down to Shiva, Who is Ya, the
fifth letter of his mysticword-symbol (Mantra), Who is the embodiment of
sacrifice, whose locksare matted, who wields the Pinaka bow, the Eternal, the
Divine, theShining One, having the quarters of the world for His garments.
6. He who reads this sacred Hymn of five letters before Shiva,attains the
sphere of Shiva and enjoys eternal bliss with Him.