Sunday, May 25, 2008

Word Verification at Blogspot Killled Him -RIP

I have stopped posting at Blogspot as Word Verification is an insult to my creativity as a prolific photo blogger..
At Word Press and at my Flickr photostream I post 200 blogs in a day or more but
never has the system proclaimed me a Positive Spam..
But Blogspot once my school of blog learning has not changed..
I came here in Aug 2005 sent here by Brandon Stone of Photo Blog Org to learn photo blogging
But it has been more of a photo flogging

My Kumbh set can be seen at Flickr you have to register it is free. 28000 blogs in 11 months

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Shiva Mantra in his Dreams

Shiva Mantra in his Dreams
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

pictures as they flow
through my flickr stream
homeless man
hopeless man
shva in his dreams
save me lord
he cries
as he screams
shiva mantra
magical moment
as it seems

"Vande Deva Umaa Pathim Suragurum
Vande Jagat Kaaranam
Vande Pannaga Bhooshanam Mruga Dharam
Vande Pashoonam Pathim
Vande Soorya Shashanka Vahni Nayanam
Vande Mukunda Priyam
Vande Bhakta Jana Ashrayam Cha Varadam
Vande Shiva Shankaram"

shot while following the procession of good friday at vakola..