Sunday, July 26, 2015

I Go To Meet My Naga Guru Before He Leaves For The Nasik Kumbh

Went to meet my Naga Sadhu Guru Shree Vijay Giri Maharaj of Juna Akhada at his Ashram near Film city ,,we were meeting after the Maha Kumbh ,,I presented him about 50 ( 10 by 12 ) prints of our first meeting at Nasik Kumbh 2002 of his ling kriya and he and his two disciples pulling a car with their ling at Trimbakeshwar,.one of his disciples Shankar Giri died recently ,,

I was there with him for some time before he leaves to set us his tent at Sevagram..Trimbakeshwar ,
All his disciples know that I am a Muslim but they touch my feet out of respect and my cosmic proximity to their Guru.

Because of Shri Vijay Giri I met the main Maha Mandleshwars at Maha Kumbh Allahabad ,,of course they dont know me as Firoze but Ashok Bhartiya the name my guru has given me to save my ass from bigots ..everyone is not like my Guru.. thanks to him I shot 3500 images and had one of the most enlightening experience ,for me the Maha Kumbh was about culture and part of my 65000 Hindu Blogs at Flickr titled Hope and Hindutva a Message of Universal Peace ..

This was an image shot at the Maha Kumbh before meeting the main Maha Mandleshwar of the Naga Sadhus Juna Akhada at Sector 4 Allahabad.

My Maha Kumbh set is restricted and by me and can be viewed only by Flickr members ..because of frontal nudity ,, I even shot hijras taking a dip in the Sangam.. these pictures are disabled from public view .