If you make a large number of posts in a single day, you
will be required to complete word verification. After 24 hours, the word
verification will automatically be removed. Learn more BLOGSPOT SUCKS
Blogspot is the worst place for bloggers that have to face a fucked racist tool like word verification , wait for 24 hours before crossblogging posts from Flickr.com ..there should be some difference between prolific bloggers and spammers .
Word Verification at Blogspot a Multicolored Racist Tool..
how do i remove word verification from my posts i dont want to wait 24 hours please help
i hate blogspot..as it should make it easier for people who blog a lot to be able to remove word verification, word verification is a racist tool ..
firoze shakir
photographer no1
mumbai india
My problem is not comments it is number of posts that bring in Word Verification I blog a lot I have over 200000 blogs at Flickr.com , having a multi colored posterior and every time the word verification is slammed up my ass I find it an atrocious racist tool , being a poet this is my metaphor of pain , it has taken a life time for Blogspot to come out with changes , and they spend useless time on Google Wave Google Buzz instead of making existing platforms blogger friendly..half their time is spent on trying to bury Facebook 6 feet under but Marc Zuckerburgs fathers ghost wont allow them to do so.. instead of Best Answer they should have best Question..
Thank you Martins ..