Friday, September 10, 2010

He Shan Konachi Lalbagh Chya Raja Chi

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every year
he comes to mumbai
his estate his earthly throne
lal bagh chya raja
his praja flesh and bones
their hopes their dreams
their wishes their aspirations
he fulfills he treats them on par
as his own removes
all obstacles malaria typhoid dengue
swine flu their moans their pain
their agony and their groans
gives them new houses new jobs
new brides new grooms gifts
them children new laptops
mobile phones he even clears their
home loans
when his time comes to go
crowds follow him chanting
hi shan konachi lal bagh chya raja chi
love ardor in muted tones

now dont ask me why i follow
the lal bagh chya raja barefeet
from morning to the next day
my feet cut bruised bleeding
on a path of cobbled stones
this is the path of my
karma dharma
molten tears
on my cheekbone
mumbai my home
my birthright
i inherited
where i have
lived and grown
hope and hindutva
a message of peace
hope and humanity
i promote
on a cyber zone
i am as much a hindu
as you are a muslim
two feasts we celebrate
together as a milestone

dedicated to shree bala saheb thackeray through aditya thackeray..