Friday, August 3, 2007

Shri Vijay Giri Maharaj Naga Guru and Me

This was shot by my shop help when I went to pay my tribute to my Naga Guru Shri Vijay Giri Maharaj at his Shanti Ashram at Film City .
This was my first visit after our predestined meeting at the Nasik Kumbh Trimbakeshwar.
All the Babas devotees touched my feet to my sheer embarassment,but this is ritual for someone who is close to their Master.
This is Guru Parampara.
The Master is God... the light of God guiding you towards your destination.Without a Guru there is no Gyan.. no Knowledge.
The Guru is the door that leads you to your Nirvana.
I am indeed greatful to Maharaj for his patronage and this feeling does not hamper my Muslim upbringing .
This is the collective magic of our Indianness.
Verily Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai.